The day after posting Claiming a Role in Global Evolution, I embarked on the mysterious journey of writing a book. The best way I can describe it is this: A Beacon Future grabbed me by my imagination, and ushered me through a doorway of intimate creativity and self-discovery. The last eleven weeks have been a fascinating ride, and in many ways it’s just beginning.
Claiming a Role in Global Evolution
Over the last six months, I’ve been thinking a lot about my role in the ongoing global transformation. My central, guiding question is: How can I be part of the healing process, instead of contributing to an increasingly divided world?
A synergy of urgent crises has accelerated the chaos, causing strong currents and energetic rip tides of upheaval. It seems that everywhere we look there is pain, from the pain of disconnection to the pain of injustice and staggering loss.
In my last post, How to BE with a Crumbling World, I suggested that before jumping into action, we must slow down and have compassion for ourselves and for each other, as we navigate these precarious times.
Compassion is caring born of sorrow. It beautifully opens our hearts to care for one another, and brings empathy as we share the burden of pain.
But unrelenting pain is debilitating. Most of us have never been taught how to cope with it effectively.
How to BE with a Crumbling World
It was 1997, and I was sitting in a training room next to my co-leader. The workshop was called Process, the fourth in a series of five 3-day CTI trainings, offering a solid foundation of co-active coaching skills.
Facing us, in a horseshoe arc, were two dozen students, eager to take the next step toward their dream of becoming a Life Coach. I took a deep breath, and said a silent prayer for guidance. We were about to introduce an exercise that always creates tension.